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Cost-Effectiveness of a 10-Years
Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Program Performing 200 cases/year

Medical Cost Calculator

Enter all monetary values should be entered without decimals or monetary signs (e.g.: USD$ 100,000.00 should be entered as: 100000)

This calculator can assume three different scenarios:
1) There is no hospital equipment, and everything must be bought anew (in which case you can either accept the values already there, or enter your own)
2) All the capital equipment is already available (in which case you can delete the currently existing values)
3) Alternatively, you can add some Capital Costs and delete the values of the ones you already have available at your center

In other words, you decide which capital cost to include in the costs. Same is true for disposables and medicines. You can use our numbers or different ones.

Component 1: Capital Equipment Costs

Component 2: Capital Depreciation

Capital Depreciation = 3% per year of Value 1 (wear/tear, repairs, replacements)

Component 3: Disposable Materials and Medication for 200 patients

(Feel free to use our numbers or fill in with your own)

(Oxygenators, Tubing, Central and arterial lines catheters, Transducers, Cannulas, Chest drainage system) (Around $1407 per patient)

(5-0 RB-2 needle, 6-0 BV-1 Needle, Sternal wires) (Around $480 per patient)

Reabsorbable material for closure (Around $20 per patient)

Heparin, Cefazolin, KCl, Mannitol, Sodium Bicarbonate, Sevoflurane, Milrinone, Paracetamol, Dexmedetomidine, Furosemide, Protamine (Around $ 435/patient)

Adenosine, Aminocaproic, Amiodarone, Epinephrine, Norepinephrine, Benadryl, Diphenhydramine, Esmolol, Ketorolac, Methylprednisolone, Neostigmine, Phenylephrine, Propranolol, Sildenafil, Digoxin (IV, Oral), Glycopyrrolate, Phentolamine, Vancomycin, Gentamycin, Meropenem (Around $1178 / 5 patients)

Component 4: Annual Salaries

Enter annual salaries including benefits paid by employer

Component 5: Annual Energy Costs

Energy Cost (you can accept our input, or enter your own) Calculate your own electrical costs: Worldwide Electricity cost
Electricity cost calculated @ $0.10 per Kilowatt / hr. (World average cost for electricity was $0.14 for 2022)

10-Year Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Program Cost

Value 1 + Value 3 + Value 4 + Value 5 = Value 6

Value 2 + Value 3 + Value 4 + Value 5) x 9years = Value 7

Value 6 + Value 7 = Value 8

Cost per Patient / DALYs Averted per patient

The Intervention is:

Reference: Robinson, L. A., Hammitt, J. K., Chang, A. Y., & Resch, S. (2017). Understanding and improving the one and three times GDP per capita cost-effectiveness thresholds. Health Policy and Planning, 32(1), 141-145.